Horror Movie Blog > Horror Movie Reviews > Milk & Serial Review
A found footage film that is an hour long has been doing the rounds recently and getting a lot of praise. Milk & Serial is a one hour horror movie that has been freely released on Youtube for anyone to watch, and currently sits at a very healthy 6.9/10 on IMDB, and it was all done on a $800 budget.
It is the first feature film by the creative duo Curry Barker and Cooper Tomlinson, who run That's a Bad Idea, a popular YouTube sketch channel.
The story follows two friends, Seven and Milk, who are part of a social media team known for pranking others and each other. Seven is planning a prank on Milk for his birthday, involving a gun with blank bullets to give him a good scare, but there's more to the story than meets the eye.
You can watch the full movie below:
I gave this one a watch last night, and despite YouTubes usual dreadful bitrate meaning the picture quality is not the best, I found it to be quite creepy and disturbing.
While not overly original, it held my attention to the end, and despite a slow start, really picks up half way through, and despite being a debut low budget feature, even the acting isn't that bad either and I can understand why it is getting so much attention.
I think I liked just how simple it was too, and it felt quite authentic and I loved Milk as a character and that damn smile.
I don't want to say too much as you need to go into this one blind, but I do recommend you give it a watch above as it might just be the start of something for the duo, with a bigger budget and better production I would love to see what they could do.
It certainly isn't the worst 2024 horror film I have seen! And found footage movies are hard to pull off and feel different, but this one managed it for me! Far from perfect, but this duo have a lot of potential.